Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The Sun-Moon conjunction, at the New Moon, begins the Lunation Cycle. The Moon appears to wax or grow until the Sun-Moon opposition, at the Full Moon. After the Full Moon, the Moon appears to wane or decrease until the point of the next New Moon, when the cycle begins again. The Lunation Cycle describes the relationship between the Sun and Moon and Earth. We are all born at different points in the cycle. Astrologers said that there are differing personality characteristics and attributes associated with the different sections of the cycle.

If you tell me that your Sun and Moon are square to each other, I will want to know if the square is the first square, between the New and the Full, or the last square, between the Full and the New. The same will happen if you tell me that your Sun and Moon are trine, or sextile, or inconjunct. Actually, I will want to know how many degrees that the Moon has traveled from the Sun in your chart. The planetary distance will tell me into which section of the soli-lunar cycle that you were born. Wouldn't you want to know? There are eight phases in the Lunation Cycle.

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Friday, December 23, 2005

How Can Astrology Help Me?

A good question to address! Astrology, via the birthchart, provides us with a symbolic blueprint of the planetary patterns at a particular time and place. In other words, at the time of our birth it provides us with a blueprint of the energy patterns to which the cells of our human being-ness vibrate. The planetary patterns are like a mirror, reflecting back for us our own human characteristics, potentials, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, talents, and struggles. There is no such thing as a *bad* birthchart. Nor a *good* one. There is no birthchart that preordains a specific fate. Every birthchart contains the roots of many potential personalities--each planetary pattern can run the infinite continuum between a positive and negative expression of its symbology as well as be expressed on a variety of different levels. Each and every one of us has the free will to choose how we will make use of the planetary energies. And, it is tremendously helpful to have an understanding of the dynamics of the planetary patterns in our own birthcharts so we can choose consciously.

So what can astrology do for us? I'm going to borrow from an insightful astrologer & author I deeply respect, Steven Forrest, because he states this simply. "First, our birthchart clearly indicates the happiest path for us to walk. Second, it indicates the tools we have available for walking that path and how best to use them. Third, it indicates what our lives will look like if we step off that path. In addition, the birthchart provides the means for discovering our unique life purpose. And, it is usually that which we ultimately find the most joy in doing, that presents the greatest challenges to overcome."

Astrology is just one of many means to self-discovery. What I like best is the speed with which that discovery can be made. Astrology can validate who we already (however unconsciously) know ourselves to be when it might take years to make such discoveries using other means. Your birthchart will indicate your unique self and the skills and gifts you have to offer the rest of humanity. It will point out areas of imbalance and indicate the means to regaining balance. It can assist you in making satisfying choices in regard to your relationships, work, education, and life goals. It can help you to gain clarity and perspective when in conflict, confusion, or transition. It points out your natural cycles--such as, the most opportune time for planting seeds, nurturing the seeds to growth, harvesting the 'crop,' or plowing the crop under to prepare for a new cycle. Truly, for everything there is a season... So, in addition to assisting you in embracing the whole of yourself, astrology can also help you to prepare for emerging opportunities and to develop appropriate timing.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sun in Capricorn

When the Sun is in Capricorn, we prepare for the worst, expecting the best. The Capricorn's symbol, that strong-willed Sea Goat, climbs up from the sea and scales the steepest peaks to reach the high goals they set for themselves. Their cautious, confident steps usually get them to the summit. Capricorn's Earth Sign energy is a time of self-control, persistence, patience. Ruled by Saturn, Planet of Karma, Capricorn's Sun transit can be frustrating. On the bright side, this influence allows us an ambition and clarity of purpose coupled with a respect for others. While it can be an egotistical energy, it's not devious at all. Common sense governs decisions made under this influence. Rather than being spontaneous, Capricorn takes itself and its life seriously, believing that it makes more sense to do things well the first time. Though gifted with a good sense of history and perspective, once it starts climbing, Capricorn doesn't look back.

A good time for:

* Making thorny decisions
* Playing strategic games, like chess
* Paying attention to your social status

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Venus is slowing down

Venus is slowing down; it's her turn to dance backwards. She turns retrograde on Dec. 24, changing the feeling of the holidays. She aligns with Chiron for the first part of her journey, kicking up old wounds from old loves. You will miss someone this holiday season. The person who's not there will take emotional priority over the one who is there.

Venus rules love and relationships. She also rules money. While she is retrograde it is best to stay conservative with your finances. It is a poor time for major financial purchases or investments. It is harder to assess the true value of something while she is retrograde as you are motivated by emotional idealism and not practicality. You will regret your impulse buying.

You get a second chance at fixing your relationship. It is an excellent time to go to couples counseling. Venus in backward motion gives you an opportunity to see the other side of the story, to feel how your partner feels.

Venus will be retrograde until Feb. 3 and will travel from 2 degrees of Aquarius to 16 degrees of Capricorn. The area of your chart that contains those degrees is under review.

Winter Solstice occurs on Dec. 21. There's a strong earth emphasis in the chart, a good time to secure your resources. It's looks like a winter to stay warm and cozy at home. Water is still unpredictable; be extra careful and cautious when on or near it.

Thursday, Dec. 15 Moon in Gemini, VC from 12:11 pm until 11:01 pm when it enters Cancer. This full moon is unique as it falls on the one day of the year that the sun meets up with Pluto, lord of the underworld. Information and understanding come to you when you meditate under this moon. Venus enters Aquarius to bring some distance and objectivity to your dreams of romance.

Friday, Dec. 16 Moon in Cancer, VC 7:33 pm. Venus runs right into Chiron to remind you that your love life needs some fixing. There is an opportunity to coolly look at your relationships, present and past, and find the key as to why they work the way they do. Cook dinner for family. It's a good night to snuggle up at home.

Saturday, Dec. 17 Moon VC Cancer. It's frustrating to have a VC moon on a day when you need to go shopping. Try to wait until tomorrow to shop when the energy is so much better. Bake cookies and holiday foods. Stock up on vegetables and foods to put away for the winter. Fill the bird feeders. Enjoy a quiet day at home.

Sunday, Dec. 18 Moon VC Cancer, enters Leo 9:18 am. Today is a prime shopping day. You will be in good spirits and feel generous. Keep your mind open to let new and quirky ideas enter. Shop for your loved ones and the children in your life. Buy toys, games, jewelry, and theater tickets. Take the kids out for a special treat.

Monday, Dec. 19 Moon in Leo. Keep shopping when you can. You can get a lot done today. It's a good day for parties; have a spontaneous celebration at work. Find time to work on a personal creative project. Shop for romance novels, photo albums, and gift certificates. Play Santa Claus; give a big donation to the charity organizations.

Tuesday, Dec. 20 Mon in Leo, VC from 8:08 pm until 9:39 pm when it enters Virgo. Today is the last full day of Sagittarius and the last day of Fall. Life will become serious again. Enjoy today's fiery atmosphere while it lasts as the earth emphasis returns tomorrow. Sell yourself and your work. Take a risk, do what you want, push the envelope, it's that kind of day.

Wednesday, Dec. 21 Moon in Virgo. The sun enters Capricorn at 1:35 pm and Winter begins. It's time to get down to business, to make lists of future goals, and to check your investments, your priorities and your responsibilities. Shop for work-related equipment, office furniture, tools, and closet organizers.

Thursday, Dec. 22 Moon in Virgo. Get organized so you won't have to work as hard this weekend. Try to finish your shopping. Shop at the hardware store, office supplies, and health foods, and pet supplies. Think about the work you do and how it will change this winter. Do important bank business.

Friday, Dec. 23 Moon VC Virgo, enters Libra 10:26 am. Venus is barely moving today. Your social events will reflect this. Your mind is already turning to past lovers. You'll have to walk a thin line between past and present. Don't try to make any decisions. Get the last-minute shopping done today.

Saturday, Dec. 24 Moon in Libra. Venus turned retrograde at 4:36 am. There's different twist to everything that is Venus related now: love, money, art, and aesthetics. It's a great weekend to be social. Socialize with as many people as you can today. Relax into being with people and put your worries aside.

Sunday, Dec. 25 Moon in Libra, VC from 10:52 am until 9:04 pm when it enters Scorpio. Merry Christmas! Let go of any expectations on how the day should go. It will flow on its own with a VC moon. Venus and Chiron work as a team to teach you about love. People may not show up and you may have to face disappointment. Be of good cheer and be thankful for what you do have.

Monday, Dec. 26 Moon in Scorpio. You will have to address the feelings the holiday stirred up, as they will be apparent today. The more upset you are, the more you were attached to a certain outcome. Channel that intensity of feeling into a project to help others. Bring your healing energy to an ill or invalid friend with a visit.

Tuesday, Dec. 27 Moon VC Scorpio. The null and void energy that a VC moon produces is amplified by a Mars-Saturn standoff. An issue that stems from mid-August is demanding resolution. It will be hard to do anything else. Move slowly today, just get the minimum done. Pushing for what you want will only cause frustration.

Wednesday, Dec. 28 Moon in Sagittarius. The energy lightens and you can go back to work with a lighter spirit. Make contact with customers and clients who live far away. Try to have some fun outdoors. Sign up for a course of study. Plan your next trip.

Thursday, Dec. 29 Moon in Sagittarius, VC 10:01 pm. It's a day to play outside your comfort zone. Change your routine and see where you go. Fight the inertia of the old moon and have some fun. Eat an ethnic dinner and watch a foreign video. Tonight is the dark of the moon.