Thursday, March 30, 2006

Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse or eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon is dark or new. This is the first phase of the moon in which it is barely visible. The new moon has the sun at its back. It rises with the sun.

The new moon is a time for introspection and personal growth. When the moon eclipses the sun, this is taken one step further as the moon, if only momentarily, takes over rulership of the daytime, empowering the feminine aspects in our lives.

Although we experience a new moon about every 28 days, an eclipse of the sun, happens only a couple of times per year. This is due to the fact that the moon’s orbit around the earth and the earth’s orbit around the sun are at different angles. The two orbits do not occur on the same plane. When the sun, moon and earth move into alignment, a solar eclipse occurs.

During a solar eclipse, the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth. From our perspective, here on earth, the moon, at first barely visible due to the brilliance of the sun which appears beside it seems to move in front of the sun blocking or eclipsing it. At this time, the masculine energy of the sun is eclipsed by the feminine energy of the moon. Assertiveness and ambition give way to introspection and receptivity.

During the time surrounding a solar eclipse, we may feel that all our ducks are in a row. Our ambitions and emotions seem to be in agreement. We may feel cooperation flowing smoothly in our relationships. Before a solar eclipse, our thoughts and emotions may seem to be aligned. As the solar eclipse approaches, our emotions become stronger until at the time of the eclipse our emotions take over.

Daytime is normally ruled by the sun, by action and by masculine energy, while the night is ruled by the moon, by emotion and by feminine energy. During the eclipse, the moon covers the sun and emotions get a chance to take control during the day, if only for a short while.

In Greek mythology, the sun and moon are associated with Apollo and Artemis. Together the two children of Zeus and Leto, exemplify balance between dark and light, as well as between feminine and masculine. Apollo, the sun god is active during the day while Artemis, ‘the moon’ roams at night.

Youthful and beautiful, Apollo, with his golden lyre and silver bow carries the sun across the sky each day, pulling it behind his golden chariot. He is the bringer of light and truth, and healer of men.

Artemis, his older twin sister, is Goddess of the Moon. A virgin goddess, Artemis resides in the forests where she is known as the huntress. Like her brother, she is a skilled archer, shooting her prey with silver arrows. A powerful warrior, Artemis hunts by the light of the moon.
When the moon eclipses the sun, Artemis stands between her brother and their mother. With both children, pulling on Mother Earth from the same side, she must give way to their will. Residing here on Mother Earth, we feel the pull of powers beyond our control.

At this time we must surrender to powers greater than our own. We must surrender to the universe, confident that in its infinite wisdom, it will return us once again to balance as the heavenly bodies dance gracefully across the day and night sky.

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